Saturday, December 02, 2006

So, this guy IMed me out of the blue today.

He asked how old I was, and I replied truthfully. He responded that he was 20 as well.

Now, not only did this boy talk like a damned 12 year old, but his profile said he was 16.
Lol... forums

The stupid... it burns :(
Does Johnny Depp know this?

Thursday, November 30, 2006

... tmi

Okay, so maybe I baited him by responding to "asl?" but...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Okay, so it's not Chat Now, but lookie! It's my first begger.

I love how the last "gift" is capitalized. Like that'll make me more likely to give gifts to a total stranger whom I have nothing in common with...


For those unable to follow the conversation, this guy randomly asks if I have a boyfriend. When he finds out I do, he proceeds to ask about my sister.

I still haven't showed this picture to my sister yet >_>
Nice to meet you too
Under this dress I'm hiding my castration shears...
Sometimes I wish there were pixel STDs for these people...
Apparently here not find grammar

You know... you're more likely to take care of that problem if you back away from the computer and try dating in real life.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I got experience points

Rule #2 of Chat Now: Subtlety is for losers
For the first post I present the picture that started it all:

Rule #1 of Chat Now: Pants are optional
IMVU can be a scary place sometimes, as anyone who's clicked "Chat Now" or browsed the forum knows. I've made it a habit to take screen shots of the worst I encounter, and I sometimes share those picture in OT on the forums. But I figured that those pictures need a permanent, uncensored home.

If you have no idea what IMVU is, see here