Monday, July 21, 2008

The quest for the "why"

Kage: Hello
Chatnowguy: hi sexy
Chatnowguy: u love sex?
Kage: Roflwaffles
Kage: That's a great way to start a conversation
Chatnowguy: u have yahoo or hot
Chatnowguy: i want seee u
Kage: Lol
Kage: So, why are ya trolling for sex on imvu anyways? I'm just curious....
Chatnowguy: i want see u
Kage: Mmm hmmm
Kage: Ya know what? Go outside. You'll find lots of real girls out there and you

won't be
Kage: masturbating to fuzzy intarweb pictures, 'kay?
Kage: XD

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